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The Appeal Cases with a Decision made by the Town Planning Appeal Board in 2006

List of Decisions
Appeal No. TPB Ref. Location Use Applied for Zoning on Statutory Plan Decision of the Appeal
7 of 2006 (PDF) A/YL-PS/230 DD112, Ping Shan, Yuen Long Proposed Temporary Open Storage of Construction Materials "Undetermined" zone Dismissed
8 of 2005 (PDF) A/YL-KTN/205 DD103, Kam Tin, Yuen Long Temporary Sales Office for Pre-owned Private Vehicles "Agriculture" zone and Adjoining Government Land Dismissed
17 of 2005 (PDF) A/NE-LYT/291 DD 51, Tong Hang, Fanling Temporary Open Storage of Construction Materials "Agriculture" Zone Dismissed
24 of 2005 (PDF) A/SK-HC/121 DD 247, Ho Chung, Sai Kung Film Studio "Recreation" and "Green" Zones Dismissed
9 of 2005 (PDF) A/YL-NSW/152 DD 115, Nam Sang Wai, Yuen Long Temporary Public Car Park for Private Cars and Light Goods Vehicles "Undetermined" Zone Allowed, subject to condition
6 of 2005 (PDF) A/YL-TYST/249 DD119, Shan Ha Tsuen, Yuen Long Temporary Hardware and Plastic Materials for Cycling Use "Village Type Development" zone Dismissed
9 of 2004 & 5 of 2005 (PDF) A/H11/84 & 87 Mid-levels, Hong Kong Proposed Relaxation of the Plot Ratio and Building Height Restrictions "Residential (Group C)7" zone Decisions of original Appeal Board quashed by the Court of First Instance on 15.11.2007. Appeal No. 5/05 allowed by new Appeal Board on 25.2.2008.
8 of 2004 (PDF) A/DPA/SK-CWBS/2 DD 99 and DD 105, San Tin, Yuen Long Temporary Container Trailer/Tractor Park with Ancillary Office "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Comprehensive Development to include Wetland Restoration Area" zone Allowed (for 6 months)
11 of 2004 (PDF) A/YL-PH/458 DD108, Pat Heung, Yuen Long Temporary Open Storage of Containers for Storing Sauces with Canteen "Residential (Group D)" zone Allowed (for 1 year), subject to condition
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